Why you should stop watching astrology for conscious awakening
Depending on astrology is the antithesis of manifestation and conscious awakening.
Learning about manifestation, mindset, and conscious awakening? Then you should stop watching astrology videos and following astrology transits.
Being dependent on astrology to dictate when something will occur (predictive astrology) or to identify who you are (astrology natal chart readings) is the antithesis of manifestation and conscious awakening.
Why you should stop watching astrology for conscious awakening

If you believe you are the “Creator of your reality” - a term used in the law of assumption, manifestation, and mindset - turning to astrology contradicts the very nature of these teachings. Whether you read your horoscope, have an astrologer on speed dial, or watch astrology TikTok and mentally note transits and their supposed effects on your life due to your rising sign, you are giving away your power as a Creator.
You are the Creator of your reality.
This means that your thoughts, which materialize from your core belief systems, literally create your world. Your core belief system shapes your perception. If you persist in a belief system for long enough, your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, behaviors, decisions, and, eventually, your life experiences will all align with what you believe at a core foundational level.
Watching astrology gives away your power.
Astrology is an external source. It has a set of rules that mean x, y, and z about your life and who you are based on planetary movements. Astrologers then share what it all means for you.
This is where the problem lies. If you watch astrology and are undergoing conscious awakening, practicing the law of assumption techniques, and claiming that you create your reality, you’re not practicing what you’re preaching. Because you are allowing someone (astrologers) and something (astrology) outside of you to dictate how your life will unfold and who you are. You are seeking validation outside of your beliefs and thoughts, ie. yourself.
If you really believe you manifest with your thoughts and belief systems, you wouldn't need anything outside of you to tell you what to do, how to feel and think, and what will occur.
I depended on astrology too.
I get the allure. I was addicted to astrology way before TikTok existed. I watched YouTube video after YouTube video on astrology transits. I read my daily, weekly, and monthly horoscope. I got my chart read and paid an astrologer to tell me when I would find love, and if a career as a teacher would fulfill me. I used astrology transits to help me make life decisions and dictate who I was compatible with in love and friendship.
Then I found the law of assumption and mindset and realized I was giving away my power to astrology.
I got sucked back in!
To be perfectly honest with you, I didn’t stop watching astrology immediately after my conscious awakening. What inspired me to write this was the fact that I watched an astrology video last night. It was a predictive video on Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. I watched it right before bed and what the astrologer said about my rising sign made me worry a bit. I shook it off and fell asleep. This morning I received news similar to what the astrologer said.
I was shocked and worried at first, but then I asked myself, am I going to allow external forces to dictate my life again? Or will I decide this news I received is nothing to worry about and that it’s only the unfolding to something greater? I decided the latter is the story I will stick to. Because everything always works out for me.
In fact, this news led me to this epiphany: I should stop watching astrology. I should also share this with anyone experiencing a conscious awakening or working toward it, but who is still struggling. It’s okay to get sucked into old belief systems and ways of operating. I just did last night! What matters is that we become aware of it and course correct.
This is what I did. I vowed to fully shift into a version of myself that does not need anyone or anything to tell me how my life will unfold, and what I will manifest in my reality. The news I received today was simply a part of the unfolding to course correct and share this message with whoever needs it.
Stop watching astrology. Free yourself from the beliefs that anyone but you creates your reality and impacts your life. This mindset shift will change your life.